Wednesday, May 13, 2009

BaCk To ThE NaNnY LiFe...

It's official! :) I received my plane ticket last Friday... I leave for back east on Saturday June 6!! I'm really excited to go back to New Canaan!! I loved it there last summer and am looking forward to another great summer and all the fun/learning experiences that come with it!


Emily Blais said...

Thats so exciting! Are you going back to Rebecca's? Hopefully you are, then I can keep tabs on those kids through your blog! :) Good Luck!!

Emily Meyerhoffer said...

I will miss you soo much ):

The Storeys said...

Hey candice! so i got a blog finally! you should check it out

Sarah and Bryant! said...

i really don't know how to heart hurts a little when i think about moving home, and you won't be can, i seriously miss you. Love you!